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At Bramalea Elevator, we are the experts in custom-made solutions for vertical transportation. No two projects are the same, so we strive to provide solutions to satisfy the design needs of building planners, architects, constructions firms, and owners.


We believe that being in the business of custom-made products, it is vital for us to set and adhere to extremely high working standards. All our products conform to the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators ASME A17.1/CSA B-44 standard.


Our strength lies in our targeted approach to hydraulic design. Hydraulic pressure is what moves us! We stay away from conventional buried cylinders which can have a harsh environmental impact. Instead, our cylinders are directly coupled to the elevator cab. This direct linkage allows for fewer components and thus less maintenance.


Our lifts and elevators are known throughout the industry as being smooth, vibration-free and quiet. This is accomplished with our two-speed valve which controls the flow of hydraulic oil through the cylinder.


There is also a two-way leveling system built into our design which allows the elevator to readjust the level of the platform after it reaches the desired landing during loading and unloading. Our design is more economical as it requires a smaller pump when lifting the same capacity, installation is quicker, and our entire system requires less maintenance because there is less hardware, and fewer moving parts.


We are committed to delivering the best technology and quality to every single customer in a customized solution – on time, every time, everywhere. Trust Bramalea.


Our clients can rest assured that all Bramalea Elevator products meet the stipulations/regulations of the elevator codes and safety standards of North America. We ensure every system is:


  1. Inspected and commissioned by the regulating provincial/ state authority.

  2. All parts and components are certified as per the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)

  3. All fabrication is done as per the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB)

  4. We hire only licensed professional engineers and our technicians are licensed under the Elevating Devices Act

  5. We are registered with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).



Bramalea Elevator Ltd. was established in 1989 as a manufacturer of high quality,

value priced Material Lifts (previously called Freight Platform Lifts) for commercial

and industrial applications.


In the mid 1970’s, Owner & President Jim Ninness participated in drafting changes

to the Canadian Elevator Safety Code CSA B44. He and others in the industry

recognized a need for a product that could provide an economical alternative to the

Freight Elevator without compromising safety and reliability.


As Engineering Manager at that time for Blue Giant Equipment, he oversaw the design and implementation of the first material lifts in Canada.


Having brought this experience with him to Bramalea Elevator Ltd., and with the help of a dedicated and experienced staff, the company has become the industry leader in the production of Freight Elevating Devices, setting the benchmark standard within the industry today.


Bramalea’s patented design is robust, sturdy and guaranteed to rise up to the challenge of any environment. This reputation for quality has helped to form lasting relationships with many of the biggest industrial businesses and landmark commercial and institutional buildings within Canada, USA, and many other countries around the world.



If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like to contact
us for a quote, please fill the form and we will get back to you ASAP.

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